Streetscape and Sports Complex Accessibility

Streetscape and Sports Complex Accessibility

In addition to providing inputs on street design, Samarthyam also conducted access audits and provided recommendations for access improvement to the Delhi Government for Commonwealth Games 2010 based on which work was undertaken in 20 buildings and transport terminus. The Project was supported by Rajiv Gandhi Foundation under the initiative “Accessible Delhi- a road map for 2003-2008”. 15 training venues, Stadiums and the Games Village were also access audited by the Samarthyam team to make the buildings accessible for elite athletes with disabilities, spectators and employees with disabilities.

The streets were planned to function as barrier-free environments with an emphasis on providing an efficient movement network that caters to all street users with a conscious effort being made to provide for vulnerable street users including pedestrians and non-motorised vehicles. Key features that allowed universal access included:

  • Obstruction-free, level footpaths
  • Kerb ramps and raised pedestrian crossings to facilitate barrier-free movement
  • Use of tactile paving, especially at intersections for the persons with visual impairment
  • Pedestrian Refuges on Medians and Traffic Islands
Streetscape Sports Complex Accessibility
Streetscape Sports Complex Accessibility
Streetscape Sports Complex Accessibility
Streetscape Sports Complex Accessibility
