Rural Accessibility

Rural Accessibility

Inclusion & Universal Accessibility in Rural Areas

Recognize the need for community-led processes that can be sustained long-term, Samarthyam undertake rights based advocacy, research, etc. on implementation of SDGs with DPOs led advocacy processes. Access for All is our nationwide campaign to address social exclusion and promote universal accessibility for persons with disabilities in rural India and country side. We aim to cover entire India in this campaign and make the real Bharat (rural India) accessible for all.

2020- ongoing, awareness raising and implementation of Goal 4, 5 and 8 of Sustainable development Goals with grass root DPOs in 16 states of India

2017-2019, with CSOs and DPOs in 16 states, Samarthyam has carried out awareness raising on SDGs and creation of Gender Committees in the DPOs to ensure full participation of women with disabilities leaders and members in the DPOs.

2004-2009, Samarthyam has facilitated creation of Access Co-ordination Cells in 9 states of India with DFID UK and VSO

2001-2008, we have trained more than 13,000 persons in rural and semi urban areas to advocate for Universal Design in social, virtual and physical environment.

Our services and technical expertise include:

  • Empower persons with disabilities and to promote and implement universal design features in rural areas. 
  • Undertake accessibility audits in villages/ blocks/ districts of built environment- public & private buildings and transportation systems, roads & street networks and services and amenities. 
  • Provide capacity building technical trainings on disability awareness, accessibility audits, advocacy & networking skills, etc.
Rural Accessibility
Rural Accessibility
Rural Accessibility